$200 for real fake Gucci!
So I cruised thru the Gucci shop on my lunch break cause I heard something crazy was going on and it was indeed true. I definitely wasn’t rockin’ Gucci as an 80’s baby but I am well aware of those bootleg Gucci shirts you would see in the hood. To my knowledge, I have never seen a real vintage one, so I am assuming they were yesteryears version of ‘AIR’ shoes I see next to the bodega. Anyway truth be told, Gucci is now making real versions of their heavily bootlegged tees. Of course, they are $200 something. Yes $200 bucks for a t-shirt..and no I didnt buy it. I am not rich, but I am immune to sticker shock these days. Hence why I still think the idea is awesome…in their design meeting some lowly intern is like, ‘what if we make our Canal Street version Gucci Tee…give something back to the hood…’ and them being like, ‘Okay!?’ The sad thing is, the $10 fakes are better. Graphic wise, design proportion, and actually cotton t-shirt wise too. The expensive ones are too refined, there’s nothin’ hood about them…but let’s not discourage any intern that wants to send me some Gucci for free. That’s just dumb.