Blog: The Dieline!
I love this site. Funny how many blogs there are on the net, yet I feel like I don’t have good ones to check out that don’t just show the same things every other bog shows…you know? Anyway…I ran across this blog after linking to it from ffffound.com. I love good packaging - The Dieline is almost an overwhelming amount of examples, or at least studies of it. What Engadget is for time wasting looking at electronics, The Dieline is for wasting time looking at packaging…mostly food/beverage. And, bonus, it has a pretty good commenting user base…I usually hate blog comments, you know, the typical super cynical, say stuff you’d never say in real life, super hater comments - none of that here. In fact, it looks like a bunch of industry types with actual experience in what their commenting about. Either way, its a great blog - and well named, check it out. ***Their logo was super hard to cut into our 100x100 image size, sorry, ha. And speaking of packaging, the mountains are no longer blue on this Coors Light I’m drinking…bummer.