Chuck / NoPattern Speaking in Grand Rapids on 3/30!
Oh snap! I almost forgot to write this up… Alright team, here is the deal: Chuck ‘House of Glows’ Anderson / NoPattern is going to be in Grand Rapids tomorrow (3/30/06) at the UICA for a speaking and presentation event. The downtown thing starts at 8 PM, but you could get there a little early and do that art kid/scenester thing where you loiter before the event starts…Chuck and I will be there a bit early to chill or whatever. If you are in the area, and have never been, the UICA downtown is a really great space..beautifully done. Except when they have ‘poetry slam’ night which is absolutely terrible…zing. Also right around the corner is the new Premier and Weston Project store…get downtown early and check this spot out, spend some cash there. I love what those guys are doing. So yeah, block out tomorrow night for some quality time downtown! Also, we might be doing an after party thing or something so get at me with location cause we don’t have it figured out yet. Shout to Jesse Hora for organization on this. Check the link below for directions to the UICA. That’s like two post in a row about Chuck! Oh snap!! Ha…