David Gensler video interview!
Dave is one of the reasons I’m doing what I’m doing today. He has supported me from the beginning, supported The Brilliance from the beginning, and has always been one of my favorite people to work with and chat with about design/ideas/life/rainbows/ponies/etc…
Anyways, he just did this new interview with Piers Fawkes on PSFK, which by the way is an incredible resource and news site…The video interview is interesting - Dave covers a lot of ground including what brands are hot and why, his inspirations, what’s up with street culture and mash culture and design, and more…Definitely worth checking out. It’s kind of funny to me when that dude in the background at one point has to up and leave in the middle of it…just an awkward break and Dave’s looking like…hmm…alright…Ha. Just funny to me! Yup! Thanks to Manny for the tip…