Friday RANDOMZZZ ##### !!
I love doing these. Last one I did was like 3 years ago, ha. Internet No Rules!!1
Chuck sent me this Robert Longo interview piece on Nowness yesterday. I’m not an expert in artist interviews, but this is like the most insightful ones I’ve ever seen. I’m a huge, huge fan of his work and to hear him explain/talk about the balance of being an artist creating sellable work vs an artist creating work no one wants. Man, just really struck a cord with me. I’m not buying super expensive stuff, I hang around in the $500-1000 mark with a couple over that - but I go to a lot of shows/opening, etc, and what he’s saying has been a topic between artist friends for a while. Like, how to actually make a living as an artist.
Speaking of chuck? You following him on vine?! Sheesh.
I’m getting hip to marble in general, Carrara marble. Actually did some rough “honing” for a new project I’m working on.
I’ve never been to New Orleans. Been on my list, need to go. I love how the pool at this hotel looks. Seems like everything is so affordable.
Neo-Georgian architecture is my favorite right now.
I’m actually nervous this whole heavy black & white wave is going to crash and all sorts of pastels and wacky colors are going to be the next move. : /
Nike Flyknit thing has grabbed my attention, and money, like nothing. So fascinated with the technology.
That group Rhye? They’re the American Sebastian Tellier? #very good.
Do you lean or hang your artwork in your home? I’m a leaner. Like with big piece, 6x6, etc, it makes everything in your place feel taller. Speaking of that, I have been remodeling my condo for like 2 years, ha, finally coming together. Cork floors are amazing.
You guys heard the new Kanye album????????????!??!111