Get more familiar with Michael Arrington.
The undisputed blogging champ…Mr. TechCrunch. I think I’ve said this before: blogging is a funny thing. I didn’t ever think I would be writing a blog on a regular basis and beyond that, writing for one like THE BRILLIANCE that a few people actually read. I bet Michael Arrington would say the same for himself – except its not just a few people that read his blog…it’s everyone and anyone that matters in the technology and its respective venture capital world. I know this post is probably a bit late, but Wired magazine did a fantastic write-up/interview on him in the latest issue…check the full story below. Beyond all of the power/pull/income he has generated with TechCrunch…I just love how he started it to network and build relationships. Now look at him – he’s literally Mr. Make-Or-Break-You. Hit the link for the full story.