Ghostface Canvas/Terryphunk!
OK let me get this out of the way - I absolutely love Ghostface. I love Wu-Tang too, but Mr. Starks is my personal favorite. Now, it should also be obvious that I love art. It’s my life. So what happens when I see someone putting those two things together? Putting an incredible image of Ghostface on a 20x30 canvas? Well, I reach out and talk to Mr. Terryphunk, who did just that. When Ghost’s “Pretty Toney” album came out last year, it included an insert/ad to buy this as a poster or canvas. Terryphunk toured with Ghost on the Projekt Rev tour and has done a lot of work with Ghostface and Starks Enterprises. Listen…if you don’t get one of these canvases or posters, you have an incomplete wall somewhere in your place. Come on, $14.99 for the poster?! Grab one. Now. Oh, and be on the lookout for interviews with the aforementioned people on THE BRILLIANCE! real soon…Now get in line, b’fore you get your lil’ thick-ass tossed up!