Google, killing them softly!
My quick commentary on this. Google is killing them slowly. It’s so innocent how they do it, right? Just a simple search engine, then we’ll do this simple email thing with a bunch of storage, then we’ll do the best mapping/yellow-page type software you can imagine, then we’ll upgrade the email to work even better (AJAX), then we’ll launch a little calendar application…then the rumors about the ‘G Drive’ thing. So if they had all that and a simple word processing piece…what would the average computer user need Microsoft for? Honestly. Don’t come out with a whole new operating system…just grab the ‘low hanging fruit’ as they say. So yeah, this new calendar piece is pretty serious stuff. The ability to share your calendar is what makes it a killer. I know for a fact that we’ll see small companies start using this…and then they’ll grow, and still use it…that is what makes it so serious. Check the calendar thing…it’s simple and straight forward. But again, a very serious move by Google. Didn’t those dudes buy a 767 as their private jet? Amongst the other jets they already own?