Jay Walker’s library…I think he has Nigo beat.
Wow. And wow. Just found this in the latest issue of Wired mag. So Jay Walker, who is the founder of Priceline.com and Walker Digital, has what I would imagine is the most amazing museum-crushing geek collection of amazing artifacts and memorabilia…ever…and its all in his home’s 3,600 square foot library. I don’t even know where to start. The library structure itself is straight out of movie…hardly looks real. It’s got a maze like layout with tons of different levels, super classic wood-paneled design, walls-wall-ceilling-ceiling book shelves, and an MC Escher-esque wood floor pattern throughout. But its the collection of items…my goodness: a real Russian Sputnik (one of the backups that was never sent), books bound in real rubies, props form James Bond movies, the napkin Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined his plan to win WW2 on, a complete Raptor skeleton, the manual to the Saturn V rocket that brought the Apollo 11 team to the moon, 15 pound meteorites, fossilized dinosaur eggs, the ‘Thing’ hand from Addam’s Family, the 1665 Bills of Mortality from London that track The Plague week by week (?!), a zillion (citation needed) books of every variety from 500 years-old to current, and too many other things to list…just an amazing, amazing collection of cool ‘stuff’. And while he has done tours for school kids, business execs, and friends, no press has ever been allowed to document except Wired as of just recently. This is just that classic like what would happen if Peter Pan was rich type thing, ha. Link to the story below.