Jay-Z on this Hustlin’ remix!!
Good lordy. This track is too much for me. We don’t resort to violence, we on resorts and islands. How is Jay-Z so good…seriously? And how is his ‘reach’ so far? Seems like everyone respects him…I was chilling with this girl the other night who is very ‘college’ with some sort of International Relations major – very proper, etc – and she said if she could meet one person it would be Jay-Z. That just blows my mind. This guy is talking about the rawest street stuff, straight up drug trafficking, real deal crime. And then you see him and Billy Gates laughing together. Absolutely unreal. Jay-Z defines finesse, but he doesn’t do it in an egotistical manner…he embodies anyone who ‘hustles’ to better their life. Yeah, so that’s my feeling this morning on El Hovito. I don’t even really know what to write up in this post about the actual song…just go check the track. Actually, I’m not really into this Rick Ross guy, I hadn’t even listened to the non-remix version of this song, mainly because I cant really get into any new hip-hop you know? But yeah, Jay-Z is one inspirational dude…saying his Gulfstream IV is white on white? Come on… Check it below at AllHipHop.com.