The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


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Kazuki Kuraishi freelance & Fragment professional!!!

Keeping with our theme of steadily uncovering inspiration we present an insightful interview with Kazuki Kuraishi. Some people are gonna be like “who?” while some others are gonna be like, “whoa!”. Definitely seated atop niche design culture its cool how this interview just kinda fell into place. I first came to know who Kazuki was years back with an awesome interview on the trendsetting beinghunted. It was a privilage to catch up with him in person and see where his motoviation comes from and what inspires his personal work and his contribution to Fragment. Enjoy this interview we had fun putting it together.