The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


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Masamichi Katayama Interview!

Some good ‘Sunday reading’… This is a back issue from Frame magazine with an interview/feature on the genius behind Tokyo-based WonderWall… I have written about his work before on THE BRILLIANCE! and most people are already familiar with his work in one way or another…but if you’re not, he is the man behind every Bathing Ape store and or related space, he has done stuff for LV, Marc Jacobs, Beams, and various other stores. This is a good solid read up on who Katayama is both as a designer and a bit of insight into his process along with his personality type stuff too. Thanks to Sally for the link. And seriously, this man will design a condo/house for me within the next 15 years…or something.