New KAWS movie, Glow-in-the-Dark!!
You want to see something refreshing, smooth, cool, and crisp? No it’s not a glass of Fresca, it’s a new KAWS movie, and it is, as Ben likes to say, pure lava. The new KAWS glow-in-the-dark Companion is about to drop any day now (see site, end of July…) and to accompany it, apparently, is a new movie on the KAWS site that features the glow Companion, some Blitzes running around and exploding, and some Bendy’s that are just causing a lot of mischief and tomfoolery as I like to say. Haha. But holy smokes is this a good little movie or what?! Much respect as always to KAWS for always doing something new and different - always a few steps ahead. Go to the site, enter in, and click Movie. *Update - if you missed it, you missed it, and good luck buying one on eBay. The glow-in-the-darks came and went today at 12noon EST. Sold out for $180 a piece within 10 minutes. Pretty unbelievable.