New music…Tame Impala!!!
You know, maybe it’s the Coors Lights I had with dinner like 30 minutes ago - but this ‘psychedelic rock’, as the Mad Decent crew called it, sounds just…amazing. I needed something new sounding too. These guys are doing the trick for sure. I’ll be honest, I don’t know a ton about these guys except they’re from Perth Australia, the songs I’m linking to are covers or trip hop stuff (right?), and that I just really dig them right now. They’ve got that perfect ‘Oh man dude, I’m totally zoning out to these guys… Let me throw this on my muxtape, and then like update my Facebook status with my muxtape URL so like everyone knows I’m into ill music no ones ever heard of before. These guys are sooo good. And I’m so done with beer maaan, its all about red wine right now.’ Ha, sorry, I was totally kidding with that…and I took it too far. But seriously, you know the type right? Annnyyyway… I really like these guys and I felt like it’d be fun to share them here on THE BRILLIANCE! Enjoy… And true story, these guys do make me want to chill and have a glass of red wine, ha. ***And yeah, thanks to the Mad Decent guys for constantly updating their blog. Love that.