Remember when albums came out on Tuesday? If you were lucky your local shop would sell you the double Wu-Tang disc the night before. Wow are those days over…today was Tuesday. That Pharrell “In My Mind” album is filling a huge void, but imma use this post to highlight one of my favorite websites since I’ve been on the internet, Okayplayer. Talk about a record company’s marketing dream, that forum is the distorted but the true voice of hip-hop elitists. Of course they hate on everything, but some amazing stuff comes out of those discussions. Questlove (insider tip, he posts as 15ok), The Roots drummer guy with the afro, started the site in ‘99 instead of buying a car with the paychecks and has been hands on ever since. Those who read the site regularly get an inside view into the hip-hop industry…and when The Roots albums leaks you get the interesting tidbits that most will never know. Talk about Web 2.0….‘Game Theory’ their President Carter, Def Jam debut. The first listen has me super-impressed and reminded that hip-hop is music. It comes out in that local shop August 29.