Ryan McGinness’ ‘50 Parties’
From 50parties.com - “In New York City, there has never been a shortage of parties. Parties celebrating a new product or publication or development have been rampant. Those celebrating or nurturing a meaningful social exchange, on the other hand, have been noticeably absent. I decided to create the 50PARTIES project in response to this void: to bring back the artist’s studio space as an environment for social exchange and revitalize the practice of artist’s studio as salon. With this project, I’m endeavoring to create genuine parties with no hidden agenda, parties for the sake of parties, with absolutely no sponsorship. I’m interested in the idea of party as medium and vehicle for creating content. To that end, each party will be based on a different concept or theme, aimed at creating real interactions between guests.”
Love love love this! You know we here at THE BRILLIANCE! love art, creativity, parties, fun, new ideas, and fresh ways of bringing people together to promote progress in art in whatever way possible. The fact that Ryan McGinness himself is the brains behind this is huge. It will attract a ton of attention and probably be incredibly fruitful for birthing new projects and ideas from tons of talented people. Honestly, would really love to go. Ryan - if you’re reading this, any of us here at THE BRILLIANCE! would love to go! Plus Ben’s about to be in NYC next week…
“50 parties. 50 themes. 50 weeks. In a row. In the studio. No sponsors. No strangers.”
Super cool.