Saab, Born From Jets!
I really like Saab. I don’t own one, but I have driven a couple. And it’s always on my mind in-terms of what my next purchase may be. Anyway, Saab just launched a new marketing campaign that reaches back to their heritage as jet aircraft manufactures. See, this always impressed me about their brand…amongst other things. They built some wild looking jets back in the day, then transferred and awful lot of little aircraft idiosyncrasies into their cars. The ignition placement, the ‘night-drive’ mode where only the speedo is lit, and various other small things. I am all about heritage…I love when brands grow from their own heritage. And this is a super-ace move on Saab’s part. They are doing a whole campaign with commercials that have Saabs driving under low-flying jets in the slat-flats, Saabs in hangers, and various other marketing materials that beautifully stick with the minimalist Saab image while really reflecting the raw power/energy of fighter jets. I don’t know man…I think this is truly brilliant, and I hope the best for them. The agency handling all this is Lowe & Partners Worldwide. Also…check the new body-style on the 9-5…very fresh. Long post. THE BRILLIANCE! loves Saab.