Semi-Permanent NYC - this week!!
I’ve posted about this before and I’m posting about this again, one because I am speaking, and two because it’s going to be good and you should be there. Semi-Permanent 2005 in NYC at the Lincoln Center/Avery Fisher Hall is THIS WEEK! Starting with opening night dinners and parties on Thursday night and continuing into the end of the weekend on Sunday, this conference is going to be huge. With a host of speakers including Fafi, Joshua Davis, The Orphanage, Paul Pope, Skinnycorp, Charlie White, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Insertsilence, Lobo, Peter Sluszka, Visionaire, and myself, this 2-day conference is going to really, really be one not to miss. A huge gift bag for all who attend, fun parties and dinners, a great chance to network and meet new people, and not to mention it’s a good price…Huge sponsors like the Art Director’s Club, Vice Magazine, Superfuture, Beinghunted, HOW, I.D., Flavorpill, and more…I can’t stress enough how fun and inspiring this weekend conference will be. See the site for more information. Ben and I will both be there so if you have a question about THE BRILLIANCE or want to see how white Ben REALLY keeps his shoes, come find us.