Some randomzzz!
Have I done one of these recently?? First and foremost…I have to give a big huge, massive, super big, monster WELCOME to my man Chuck Anderson, Mr. NoPattern, and his lovely wife Holly to their new home…right here in Downtown Grand Rapids! Yeah, you heard it here first, 2/3rds of THE BRILLIANCE! lives in Downtown Grand Rapids now. Pretty cool…Chuck and I have known each other for quite some time, years, but have never lived around each other, now he’s like 2 blocks away in his beautiful new space. We still only email though, never talk in person. Ha, just kidding. Now that I’ve got that out of the way…who drinks those Odwalla or Naked juice drinks? Amazing, so good. The ‘superfood’ ones are too good. New topic: I have something to admit: I’m just now getting hip to Santogold. I’m sorry. In fact, I almost made a post about it…like: ‘OMG, check out this awesome new music!!!1!’ Ha. Anyway, the music is fresh. New topic: The new Steve Job’s book called ‘Insides Steve’s Brain’ is quite good. If you’ve read a bunch of interviews with him before it might not be a ton of new stuff, but its a god read, check it out. New topic: It’s summer…finally. Finally. New topic: This video ‘slayed’ me…ha. Seriously, just amazing, the lighting!? How much time did it take?? Thanks to Dennis for sending it over. That’s my post.