Some stuff, or whatever.
What’s up?? The whole THE BRILLIANCE! gang over here has been heads down, busy, working, getting inspired, etc. All is well though. WHATEVERZ though right?! So yeah, I’m just going to post a bunch of stuff I’m into right now, things that are inspiring me, or whatever.
Ferro fluid video. Have you ever seen this stuff? Super cool, in fact, I actually tried to order some on eBay once - it never came, the guy said it got lost in the mail.
Why doesn’t Vans make the black on black, or white on white classic in leather? Bummer.
Triumph Of The Nerds! How had I never seen this. Circa 1996, big glasses, getting it in. I miss coding after watching this.
Clove cigarettes are banned now, yeah, I guess I’m “goth”, ha, cause I enjoy ‘em. I still have a hook-up.
“Beyonce Clown.” First there was “Cat Gate”, and now this. Try and watch that and not laugh.
I kind of miss having a Blackberry sometimes.
I grew up reading Popular Science, etc - I haven’t read one in a while.
I was under-the-weather (I hate saying “sick”) a week ago for about 3 days - and having to sit at home for 2+ days (let alone more than 3 hours) did wonders for my creativity. Forcing yourself to slow down, and just day-dream is a good thing - even if you feel rough.
I’ve never been to Mexico before - I think I’m headed there this season. I think.
Winter-wear. I’m taking it seriously this year. Marmot puffer (sorry, Moncler is getting too obvious) and I just got a Supreme winter cap in the mail. I might even do long-johns. Ha, are there any cool long-johns?? Hey everybody, have a good weekend.