The Apartment & YMCA!
This is two real-estate related posts in a row. But this one is only half real-estate…the other half is concerning a creative agency know as ‘The Apartment.’ I really like what these guys do. Here is why: They are one of the only agencies who took the steps before others to mesh marketing/branding/and interior design+architecture as one product. Each can be sold as its own service…but, for example, in the case of a new residential loft building project…all of those services will come into play at one point. You must design the space, you must brand, and you must market. Having one agency execute all of these with a clear vision has some pretty sincere results. Such as their latest, the YMCA project, as seen in the latest issue of Interior Design. It’s really an incredible space. Check the link below for more info and check their whole site and get familiar with what these guys are up to. Thanks to Stefan for this…keep doing your thing guys.