THE BRILLIANCE heading to Barcelona!
What’s up dewdskis? Ben and I are heading to Barcelona on Wednesday. I am speaking out there at the OFFF Festival. Should be pretty incredible…I have not yet been to Barcelona. I was going to be bringing my fiance Holly along but she has finals this week, so I asked about 10-25 other friends and none of them could come, so I settled for asking Ben and unfortunately he obliged and accepted my invitation. Totally kidding brohams, Ben’s my boy! We’re going to be so obnoxious on the plane. We’re flying Chicago to Amsterdam. They’re serving dinner and breakfast on the same flight. Going to be hilarious, we’ll be laughing at everybody who walks down the middle of the plane and trips, or when we watch movies on my little DVD player…we’ll be more annoying than the fat sweaty guy who sits next to you eating kit-kat bars and getting crumbs everywhere or the screaming baby sitting behind you spitting up all over the place. You know!? And I’m sure I’ll come back and post pictures from the trip on my Flickr and post about it. Anyways, Formula 1 is this weekend too. Whoa….crazy trip ahead for sure!! Ben - here’s some room for you to add anything if you want to, Brobot. ***Chuck sounds like he’s never flown on a plane before…ha. Uhh, a lot of things I could snap on in this post…but I won’t cause I’m 50% nice and 100% fist-pumping-excited!!! Yeah, it’s gong to be fun…I don’t know about the fat sweaty guy, sounds like we’ll be upgrading those seats. I’m into it!