Wtaps, w)taps, double taps, etc… Not sure the exact pronunciation of this brand. Either way, this brand has always been a bit difficult to get a hold of state-side which is too bad. It’s a pretty fresh brand. It also has that oddly mysterious feel to it that most of the niche Japanese street wear brands seem to have. While I’m not a huge fan of their past seasons heavy use of tiger-camo, I can say that some of their new stuff is quite nice. I recently picked-up a hoody at Recon while in San Francisco this past weekend… Great fit, great attention to detail and honestly really good craftsmanship. Good stuff… I know this isn’t hot off the press info, but check W)taps when you/if you get a chance. It’s quite nice. There is no website for it, so, check Recon below… Or give them a call. (Sorry for my lack of posts… Was on vacation!)